Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I do need to post a recent photo, I will try to do that soon. But I just wanted to post that I won't be having another treatment until early spring of 09. I was extremely busy in November and I don't want to do it this close to Christmas now, and in February we are going on vacation somewhere warm and figured I shouldn't expose myself to the higher UV's right after a treatment if I had it done in January, so I will probably go in March for my 5th treatment and then not again until June for my 6th and final, at that point it'll have been 15 months since I had my 1st. So I guess we'll see the results of large gaps between treatments, where as many people go as often as every two weeks x6. Anyways, I figured there may be a few people watching for an update so I didn't want anyone to think I'd disappeared!

1 comment:

steph said...

I can really tell a difference in your skin! I'm curious as to what your face looks like now. I just went through a bad break out with cystic acne leaving some pretty bad scars and i've been looking into getting this treatment done. I'm only 19 and i didn't know if that made a difference or if i should wait til my acne is completely gone and get this done later in life. I'm also on antibiotics and i didn't know if it could still be done while being on them?